Untitled Daryl Jimenea January 23, 2015 Cauayan, Landscapes, Negros Occidental, Photography, Places ...
Compare windows password reset ways between windows 7 and XP Daryl Jimenea January 15, 2015 Blog In Windows 7, safety has greatly been enhanced. So windows 7 password reset manners are different from that in Windows XP to some degree. Dissimilarities In Windows XP, the built-in admin is seen in the...
Mega Blocks Daryl Jimenea September 11, 2014 Featured, International, Photography, Singapore, Urban Singapore is one of the smallest country but has one of the biggest economy in the world. It also has one of the busiest seaports in the world and this explains why. Taking from the roof deck of a 50 storey...
Sunset in Boracay Daryl Jimenea September 11, 2014 Boracay, Featured, Nature, Photography, Places Sailing through the sunset in the Philippines most beautiful island, Boracay is simply breath...
Burnt Daryl Jimenea September 11, 2014 Bacolod City, Cultures, Events, Featured, Landmarks, Negros Occidental, People, Photography, Places A firedancer performing during the countdown to 2013 new year event at the Bacolod City Government Center,...
A dance for Independence Daryl Jimenea September 11, 2014 Cultures, Featured, People, Photography ...
The Ruins Daryl Jimenea July 19, 2014 Bacolod City, Landmarks, Negros Occidental, Photography, Places ...
Burned Daryl Jimenea July 19, 2014 Bacolod City, Featured, Landmarks, Negros Occidental, Photography, Places A Fire Dancer performing in front of the Bacolod City Government Center during the countdown to new year...